Hey all,
A while ago I had found out I was pregnant now I am 37 weeks and almost done with the pregnancy. I am having a little girl and I'm so excited about it. I do have my worries but my dr. assures me everything is fine and she is positioned the way she's supposed to be for delivery. I am fully effaced and really ready to have her. I found my biological father and family and they're all excited that I'm having a baby and that TJ is here already. He brings them so much joy. Anyways, there is so much I want to say but I can't say it just now as I'm very emotional right now and could just start to cry at any moment, hormones are so much fun lol. Anyways, there are a lot of things I'm going through and a lot on my mind it's hard to voice them without sounding like I'm repeating myself which drives my family nuts. I'm staying as calm as I can TJ is so clingy lately he knows mommy's going through something big it's cute but at the same time really irritating. Now, for the reason I am even writing this. I am wondering why God blessed me with another child when my sister wives want more children more than anything in the world and unfortunately, they aren't able to have any right now. It saddens me that they try so hard and nothing comes of it. I am glad I got blessed with another child I try not to question anything God does but this is one thing I'm wondering about. If any of my readers have any ideas or advice please feel free to leave a comment or two. That's all for now. More later.